August 1, 2017

Message in the Clouds

 “Then everyone will see the Son of Man
coming on a cloud with
 power and great glory.”
Luke 21:27 NLT

As a child, I experienced an amazing scene in the sky. White clouds formed a pathway from high up in the sky down to about three hundred feet above the neighbor’s hay field. Fluffy clouds billowed up on both sides and a man, possibly ten feet tall, in a white robe stood at the end of the path. I heard no audible message from God that day, but it gave me confidence He always watches over me. For days afterwards, I kept my eyes on the clouds hoping for another vision, though none appeared.
In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God in the form of a cloud filled the tabernacle and directed the journey of the Israelite people through the wilderness. When Solomon dedicated the temple, the presence of God appeared as a cloud and interrupted the service.
In the New Testament, when John baptized Jesus in the River Jordan, both men heard God speak from a cloud. Forty days after his resurrection from the dead, Jesus returned to heaven on a cloud. I visualize that cloud as the most beautiful, multicolored formation ever seen in the sky. When Jesus had risen out of sight, the believers received an important message from two men in white robes.  They promised Jesus would return in the same manner as he left—on a cloud.
Keep looking up! Expect that glorious cloud formation.

~ Juanita