November 11, 2015

Soaring High

Listen to my prayer, O God.
Do not ignore my cry for help!
Please listen and answer me,
for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.
Psalm 55:1-2

Eagles ascend high in the air. Seemingly with little effort, they drift one way, then the other while rising higher with the currents. They appear so graceful, so confident in their surroundings. Most eagles do not make their nests in the lowlands, but seek the high places of cliffs or tops of tall trees for security from predators.
These birds of prey present an example for us not to get caught in the downdrafts of life, but to rise calmly with faith above our unwanted or challenging circumstances. Are you in a downdraft of discouragement today? Life's experiences do not always happen as we plan or choose, but our God has promised to never forsake us. He will go with us through the trials of life.
The writings of Isaiah are full of advice and encouragement in the tough times of life. My most favorite lines read, those who trust in the Lord, will find new strength, They will soar high on wings like eagles . . . Isaiah 40:31
Father, today is another day for soaring. Take us above the clouds of despair to see Your beautiful creation from Your high vantage point. Take our spirit on a journey of discovery with Your Holy Spirit. Praise Your holy name!

Juanita Paslay

September 7, 2015

The Strength of the Lord

The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart. He helps me,
and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7 NLT

From my library window, I enjoy nature in action as the squirrels and birds entertain me. Today, I watched the blue scrub jays land on the neighbor's sixty-foot fir trees. They perched on the highest branch giving them a view more spectacular than from the ground. Their flight looked effortless, but the feat did not belong to the newly hatched. Birds need experience and strength in their wings to fly so high.
Do you have a 'tree' or 'mountain' to climb today? A challenge or task above your reach? Occasionally, we have opportunities from the Lord that appear beyond our strength or ability. When these times come, pray for the Lord to direct your steps and your days. He leads as we commit to following His will. 
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.
Psalm 37:23 KNJV


August 1, 2015

Sleeping in the Lord's Presence

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, 
O Lord, will keep me safe.
Psalm 4:8 NLT

Hannah, Samuel's mother, made a promise we might describe as too difficult. She asked the Lord for a son and vowed to place him into the service of the Lord. Her husband Elkanah supported her decision and asked God to help her keep her promise. As her husband, he had the spiritual authority to cancel her vow to God if he disapproved.
As a young child, Samuel grew up and slept in the presence of the Lord in the tabernacle near the Ark of God. I imagine him smelling the incense burning inside the Most Holy Place. Samuel first heard the voice of God in the tabernacle. He became Israel's last judge when he anointed King Saul.
Some nights, sleep will not come as our mind dwells upon the events and decisions of the day or maybe our body joints shout out in pain, distracting our effort to sleep. During these unsettling times, draw near to the Lord, thank Him for your life and your blessings. Listen with your heart and you will hear His voice. He will speak your name, as he did to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3:4. The Lord will give us a special message of comfort. He promised to never leave us nor forsake us, even while we sleep.

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June 7, 2015

Blessings from Our Heavenly Father

. . . But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.”
Matthew 10:29-30

On a recent spring morning, an unexpected bird enjoyed breakfast at our bird feeder. He had landed off-course and off-schedule. My handy bird book called him a red-naped sapsucker. He belongs in Eastern Oregon in the summer, not in our Willamette Valley during springtime. This unusual sighting registered only as a small event in my life, but I called it a little blessing from the Lord that day. Eager to share the bird with my husband, I helped him find his Navy binoculars to get a closer look and verify my sighting.
Jesus called his disciples more valuable to God than a flock of sparrows. Our heavenly Father positively cares about us as well. A little incident or a major event happens under His watchful eye and care. The psalmist David believed God planned every day of his life before he was born. (Psalm 139:16)
Father, we give you praise today for our big and not so big blessings. Thank you for your never ending love.


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March 15, 2015

God's Commitment

 Take my hand, 
take my whole life too
For I can't help falling 
in love with you.” 


Do the above words sound familiar to you? Your answer might depend on your age.

Elvis Presley preformed this ballad in the 1961 film, Blue Hawaii. This is a love song sung by a man to his sweetheart. It has been sung by other secular artists ever since Elvis made it a hit over fifty years ago.

Believe it or not, we sang this chorus during worship service at church today. My husband and I attended a certain church because we wanted to enjoy worshiping with that particular congregation. This song was chosen as the final hymn of a wonderful half-hour of singing praise songs to the Lord.

Read these words again: “Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you.” As we sang these lines softly to the Lord, we sang it as a commitment to give our hands (our activities) and our total life to God as a demonstration of how much we love him.

Now read the lines once again, but with a different emphasis: “Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you.” The Lord invites you to take his hand, to live a life of holiness through the power of his Holy Spirit. He loved us to the highest degree when he died on a cross to redeem us from our sins. He paid the ultimate price because he loves you and me with unwavering mercy.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him 
should not perish 
but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 ESV


February 17, 2015

Words of Blessing

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance
 upon you, And give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV

God spoke the words of this blessing in the book of Numbers to Moses, then instructed Aaron the high priest to use this declaration to bless the Israelites. Moses recorded this benediction for every generation. 
Centuries later, Luke 9 tells us that Moses and Elijah met Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration to encourage Him as he prepared for His coming crucifixion. What more inspiring and powerful words could Moses possibly speak to Jesus, our High Priest, than the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. These words originally came from the Lord God, Himself. I wouldn't be surprised if Moses repeated these same words to Jesus on the mountain.
There's no better way to bless and encourage our family and friends than to bless them with these words from God Himself. 
Lord, show me someone today who needs words of encouragement from Your Holy Word.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14 NKJV


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January 17, 2015

Forgive me, Lord

But I have pleaded in 

prayer for you, Simon, that your 

faith should not fail . . .”

Luke 22:32 NLT

Jesus warned Simon Peter that he would deny knowing Jesus three times. The rejection occurred while Peter attended Jesus' trial. Under His own stress, the Lord looked over His shoulder to Peter with eyes of compassion. How did Peter respond? With bitter tears.
Peter ran from the courtyard while his Friend stood mocked and beaten. Though he didn't deny Jesus with a kiss like Judas, he still rejected his Master. How could Jesus forgive him? How could Peter forgive himself? How could he encourage others now?
Then he remembered the Son of God had prayed for him. What had Jesus said about a mission to encourage the other disciples?
The prayers of Jesus brought Peter through the next three days. The rest of Peter's life and his own death honored his Lord because Jesus had prayed for him.
Jesus included us his prayer in John 17:20. He gave us assurance of His intercession on our behalf, even if we deny Him as Peter did on that dark, unforgettable night.


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