September 1, 2017

Our All-Powerful God

An Eclipse 

The voice of the Lord is powerful.
The voice of the Lord is majestic.
Psalm 29:4

All creation praises God and manifests His glory. When God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day, the voice of the Lord declared it was good. 

When tourists visit Crater Lake, the Grand Canyon, or Victoria Falls in Africa, they experience a glimpse of God’s creative power. Imagine His pleasure as He caused Mount Mazama to explode and form Crater Lake. I have walked the trail three times down to the lake and each trip, riding the boat on the indigo blue water, thrills me to once again be in the middle of one of God’s creations. 

We see the power of God the Son in Scripture. Jesus instantly calmed a fierce storm on the Sea of Galilee when the disciples thought they would drown. He raised a grieving widow’s son from death. Jesus displayed His power once again when He ascended out of sight into heaven as the disciples watched their Lord return to God the Father.

In December 1968, three Apollo 8 astronauts, James Lovell, Frank Borman, and Bill Anders had the privilege of seeing planet Earth from outer space. I would be speechless seeing that magnificence view of one of God’s creations from that angle. They honored God as the Creator and recited the first ten verses of Genesis back to NASA. They read them on Christmas Eve--how appropriate!

I watched another wonder that God enjoyed creating for His pleasure and our amazement. He has arranged many total eclipses of the sun in the past and for the future. I was blessed to see a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

Hopefully, you were blessed as I was to see the moon’s shadow for about an hour move in front of the sun. The shadow hid the sun for a minute or two (depending where you watched), then for another hour slowly moved away from the sun.

I expected the darkness to look like nighttime, but I watched only the shadows in the yard disappear, giving the appearance of dusk. I did not expect the temperature to drop, but the warm morning air must have dropped at least fifteen degrees. 

During the event, my friend heard a donkey bray and a rooster crow.  I heard neighbor’s whoopees from across the street at the moment of totality. As we sat on the porch with family, I decided it appropriate to read aloud Scripture that praises the Lord. 

I chose Psalm 9:1 I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works, and Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.

We do not often see God’s artistry in action like an eclipse, though there is a total solar eclipse approximately every eighteen months somewhere on the earth’s surface.  The sun, moon, and stars are commonplace in our sky, but an eclipse is special. God creates beautiful events and I know He enjoys displaying His creativity. I am thankful He shared it with me in Oregon this year.

Juanita Turner Paslay

August 1, 2017

Message in the Clouds

 “Then everyone will see the Son of Man
coming on a cloud with
 power and great glory.”
Luke 21:27 NLT

As a child, I experienced an amazing scene in the sky. White clouds formed a pathway from high up in the sky down to about three hundred feet above the neighbor’s hay field. Fluffy clouds billowed up on both sides and a man, possibly ten feet tall, in a white robe stood at the end of the path. I heard no audible message from God that day, but it gave me confidence He always watches over me. For days afterwards, I kept my eyes on the clouds hoping for another vision, though none appeared.
In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God in the form of a cloud filled the tabernacle and directed the journey of the Israelite people through the wilderness. When Solomon dedicated the temple, the presence of God appeared as a cloud and interrupted the service.
In the New Testament, when John baptized Jesus in the River Jordan, both men heard God speak from a cloud. Forty days after his resurrection from the dead, Jesus returned to heaven on a cloud. I visualize that cloud as the most beautiful, multicolored formation ever seen in the sky. When Jesus had risen out of sight, the believers received an important message from two men in white robes.  They promised Jesus would return in the same manner as he left—on a cloud.
Keep looking up! Expect that glorious cloud formation.

~ Juanita

July 6, 2017

Forever Fruitful

But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.
For they are transplanted 
to the Lord's own house. 
They flourish in the courts of our God.
Even in old age they will still produce fruit; 
they will remain vital and green.
Psalm 92:12-14 NLT

A sixty-year-old plum tree with gnarled, twisted trunk and branches stands alone in the back yard. Though aged and ugly, it still produces lovely soft white flowers in early spring. Its sweet fruit tastes exquisite in late July. This Santa Rosa plum makes the best juice ever to be desired.

A professional landscaper might decide the tree has seen its better days when he considers the unattractive, half-rotten trunk or the broken branches in desperate need of pruning. He might decide to replace the ancient tree with a straight, well-shaped seedling. But a pastoral artist would value the challenge to paint the scarred tree on canvas just as it is—old but beautiful and fruitful.


Whether we see ourselves as a young seedling full of fresh ideas and energy or as a weak, twisted tree needing loving attention, we can praise our Lord every morning and thank Him for another day to bear fruit and feed people in His Kingdom. He planned every day of our lives—the early years and the latter years.

The Lord is our light and salvation, the stronghold of our life (Psalm 27:1), no matter our age or physical condition. Like the fragrance of flowers on a fruit tree, we develop the fragrance of God when we plant our roots deep in His Word and desire to please the Lord with all our thoughts and actions.

~ Juanita

May 28, 2017

The Feast

 Let us be glad and rejoice,
and let us give honor to him.
For the time has come for the 
wedding feast of the Lamb, 
and his bride has prepared herself.
 Revelation 19:7 NLT

The night my husband and I attended a dinner at the Hilton in honor of a potential presidential candidate, I planned to approach him and ask to take his picture. A few people visited his table before dinner, so I gathered my courage. He graciously shook my hand, called me by name (reading my name tag) and asked a woman at his table to take our picture together. Meeting someone famous is a delightful occasion to remember, plus the experience made an interesting blog posting.

With whom do you want to visit when you go to heaven? The Old Testament introduces us to many interesting patriarchs. One of my favorites is King David. He experienced victory in battle and moral defeat, but he always demonstrated a repentant heart. His testimony blesses us when we read his psalms of confession and praise to his God.

Far ahead of all famous people is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our King! Just to sit at His feet and hear His voice will bring emotions of unspeakable joy. Visualize that heavenly banquet! The victorious believers will not be invited to dine at the Hilton, but to a heavenly banquet served in the grandest fashion to honor our Bridegroom and His Bride—the overcoming church.

Hallelujah! Our Lord God Omnipotent reigns!

Juanita Turner Paslay

April 11, 2017

A Conversation with the Lord

 Mary Magdalene found the disciples
and told them, “I have seen the Lord! . . .”
 John 20:18 NLT

The clock showed 4:30 a.m. Since I had been awake for two hours, my mind told me, it’s time to get out of bed. My day usually starts with prayer and devotions, accompanied by a cup of tea in my sunny library, but it’s dark at 4:30 in the morning, so I moved to the dining room and stood before our large picture window. I experienced a delightful talk with God. A bright waning moon and several morning stars light up the darkness. If I had waited another half-hour, I would have missed this view of my God’s magnificent predawn sky because the fog rolled in and completely changed the scenery within minutes.
Mary Magdalene was the first person to see and worship Jesus after His resurrection. Picture her walking in the dark before sunrise to His burial site. No street lights, no flashlight to brighten her path. Mary was eager to anoint her Lord’s body after Sabbath, but instead, He talked with her!
Neither Mary nor I shall forget our early morning encounter with our Lord. Next time you awake before dawn, take advantage of the early hour and have a blessed conversation with our Savior.

Wake up, lyre and harp!
I will wake the dawn with my song.
Psalm 108:2 NLT

Juanita Turner Paslay