May 28, 2017

The Feast

 Let us be glad and rejoice,
and let us give honor to him.
For the time has come for the 
wedding feast of the Lamb, 
and his bride has prepared herself.
 Revelation 19:7 NLT

The night my husband and I attended a dinner at the Hilton in honor of a potential presidential candidate, I planned to approach him and ask to take his picture. A few people visited his table before dinner, so I gathered my courage. He graciously shook my hand, called me by name (reading my name tag) and asked a woman at his table to take our picture together. Meeting someone famous is a delightful occasion to remember, plus the experience made an interesting blog posting.

With whom do you want to visit when you go to heaven? The Old Testament introduces us to many interesting patriarchs. One of my favorites is King David. He experienced victory in battle and moral defeat, but he always demonstrated a repentant heart. His testimony blesses us when we read his psalms of confession and praise to his God.

Far ahead of all famous people is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our King! Just to sit at His feet and hear His voice will bring emotions of unspeakable joy. Visualize that heavenly banquet! The victorious believers will not be invited to dine at the Hilton, but to a heavenly banquet served in the grandest fashion to honor our Bridegroom and His Bride—the overcoming church.

Hallelujah! Our Lord God Omnipotent reigns!

Juanita Turner Paslay