But the godly will
flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.
For they are
to the Lord's own house.
They flourish in the courts of
our God.
Even in old age they
will still produce fruit;
they will remain vital and green.
92:12-14 NLT
sixty-year-old plum tree with gnarled, twisted trunk and branches
stands alone in the back yard. Though aged and ugly, it still
produces lovely soft white flowers in early spring. Its sweet fruit
tastes exquisite in late July. This Santa Rosa plum makes the best
juice ever to be desired.
professional landscaper might decide the tree has seen its better
days when he considers the unattractive, half-rotten trunk or the
broken branches in desperate need of pruning. He might decide to
replace the ancient tree with a straight, well-shaped seedling. But a
pastoral artist would value the challenge to paint the scarred tree
on canvas just as it is—old but beautiful and fruitful.
we see ourselves as a young seedling full of fresh ideas and energy
or as a weak, twisted tree needing loving attention, we can praise
our Lord every morning and thank Him for another day to bear fruit
and feed people in His Kingdom. He planned every day of our lives—the
early years and the latter years.
Lord is our light and salvation, the stronghold of our life (Psalm
27:1), no matter our age or physical condition. Like the fragrance of
flowers on a fruit tree, we develop the fragrance of God when we
plant our roots deep in His Word and desire to please the Lord with
all our thoughts and actions.
~ Juanita