to my prayer, O God.
not ignore my cry for help!
Please listen and answer me,
I am overwhelmed by my troubles.
Eagles ascend high
in the air. Seemingly with
effort, they drift one way, then the other while rising higher with
the currents. They appear so graceful, so confident in their
surroundings. Most eagles do not make their nests in the lowlands,
but seek the high places of cliffs or tops of tall trees for security
from predators.
These birds of prey present an example for us not to
get caught in the downdrafts of life, but to rise calmly with faith
above our unwanted or challenging circumstances. Are you in a
downdraft of discouragement today? Life's experiences do not always
happen as we plan or choose, but our God has promised to never
forsake us. He will go with us through the trials of life.
The writings of
Isaiah are full of advice and encouragement in the tough times of
life. My most favorite lines read, those
who trust in the Lord, will find new strength, They will soar high on
wings like eagles . . .
Isaiah 40:31
Father, today is another day for soaring. Take us above the clouds of despair to see Your beautiful creation
from Your high vantage point. Take our spirit on a journey of
discovery with Your Holy Spirit. Praise Your holy name!