"He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves."
107:29 NLT
storm clouds gather while
I rest comfortable in my library with a front
row seat to watch how the wind shakes and whips the birch and cedar
trees. I want to see more action, more excitement, “But Lord,
please no broken branches, no power outage.”
The calm before the storm is not as memorable as the calm afterwards.
Twenty minutes later, my scene has changed. Heavenly buckets once
full of rain now hang empty, our trees stand tall and still, and
blue sky peeks between fast-moving, white fluffy clouds called
We all encounter storms in our lives. Certain trials may appear as a
breeze while other experiences blow in like a Midwest tornado.
Whatever the wind velocity or the degree of trouble we face, a calm
and peaceful future awaits us sooner or later. Dark clouds may hide
blue sky, troubles may hinder our view of deliverance, but God's
promises remain.
Our King is still our King. Jesus promised to never forsake us. He
proved His faithfulness to His Father God's will, even though His
experiences during His final hours looked desperate and defeated.
Jesus knew the ending of His last chapter on earth and so do we.
"For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues
forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation."
Psalm 100:5 NLT