March 11, 2016

On the Path to Patience

 . . . pursue righteousness, godliness,
 faith, love, patience, gentleness.
1 Timothy 6:11 NKJV

Showing patience brings rewards, but this spiritual gift is not always easy to attain. I have said many times, “Don't pray for patience unless you want to be tested.” It would be less painful if we could buy a box of patience at the hardware store than to overcome a tense dilemma or crisis.   
We become impatient over the smallest situations, such as waiting for the seasons to change. Longing for spring makes winter seem even longer. Anxiety and wishing doesn't help. In due time, my spring flowers finally bloom and new leaves appear on the trees.
       Are you waiting or hoping for something or someone? Patience and trusting in the Lord will make waiting less stressful.
Father, whether we face a severely trying situation or have just a simple desire, help us show patience as we wait for Your good and perfect will to unfold in our lives. We ask for the ability to endure and overcome our difficult trials. Help us focus on Christ, our perfect example.
