October 1, 2016

Do You Want a Guarantee?

  “I will make a covenant with you, 
by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants.”
Genesis 17:2 NLT

Is a one hundred percent guarantee considered a sure thing?
Checking the on-line weather prediction has become my early morning habit. The report tells me if I'll get wet working in the yard that day or if the intense sun will force me to stay indoors. When the chance of rain shows one hundred percent, will it rain all day or does the report means rain is guaranteed at least for five minutes? One thing remains definite: our weatherman can be wrong half the time. Guaranteed. 
Recently, an airline pilot announced to his passengers, “We are going down!” He sounded definite, one hundred percent sure. People called loved ones on their cell phones and told them a tearful goodbye. I wonder how many passengers prayed and repented of their sins?
I, for one, would have been extremely excited, then disappointed when the plane landed safely. Imagine the joy of expecting to see Jesus in five minutes! I would sit on the edge of my seat—ready, set, go up!
Jesus declared our God has an amazing one hundred percent guarantee for us.
  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
 John 3:16 NKJV

~ Juanita