September 6, 2014

A Field of Diamonds

I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.” Psalm 119:162 NKJV

On a cool Sunday morning in June, the azure sky displayed only a few clouds. The large wall clock above my head read nine o’clock. After enjoying my devotional time with the Lord, I saw a fascinating picture outside my library window. A slight breeze blew the leaves on the horse chestnut tree ever so gently. The soft wind barely moved the tall grass because the lawn laid heavy with morning dew. The moisture on the lawn sparkled, showing me a field of freshly cut diamonds. Sadly, the treasure disappeared as soon as the sun warmed the air. 
Paul said in Ephesians 3:8 that he had the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. Paul reminded us that, as believers in Christ, we have the privilege of coming boldly into the presence of our heavenly Father. Even after the diamonds of dew evaporate, I remain rich in Christ's salvation and His daily blessings.

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