November 8, 2014

Dare We Complain?

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” 
Psalm 19:14 NLT

  How often did the Levites break camp in Israel's forty years of wandering? I can hear them grumble, “Oh, no. We're moving again!”
     Numbers 4 describes the Lord as a God of order. He told Moses to organize a large crew (8,580) of Levites, each with a certain duty to perform when disassembling and moving the tabernacle.
The Israelites complained about the menu and when God changed the menu. Leading a whining people stressed Moses, causing him to protest to God concerning his leadership responsibilities.
Miriam and Aaron criticized Moses' marriage to a foreign women after his wife Zipporah died. The Lord showed His anger with Moses' brother and sister. Did they not think God heard them complain?
“Aaron and Miriam! Front and center!” My version of Numbers 12:5.
God gave them no opportunity to explain their sin. He read their hearts; leprosy became the punishment.
O Lord, help me never to complain. I don't want to “travel around the same mountain for forty years”. I know You hear my every word and read my private thoughts. Cleanse my heart and mind today!


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